This website is dedicated to the excitement and endless possibilities of networking. Many different talents and services are offered. ENJOY!!!

Check this website for upcoming events which will be displayed on the home page in the blogging section.


TV/Internet/Radio Shows

Evan Ginzburg (right) is the host of the very popular Legends Radio show. He is well respected and because of that he continues to have an impressive lists of guests each show. The following link to his radio show website contains all the information you need and it provides a way to listen to each show!!
Check out Evan's other work that is located under Production Crew and Businesses!!

For the past three years, the multi-talented HECTOR BOSA has been making a difference through his television, "The Home Invaders Variety Show" (link below),  by showcasing performers, musicians, speakers,  authors, artists, and videos from all genres of the entertainment spectrum . He presents REAL entertainment to his viewers by exposing them to acts and speakers they wouldn't normally come across. Hector got his start in college radio, and went on to work for WLIR-1300 AM, and then WKTU doing broadcasting as well as promotions. He went on to co-host a live weekly sports talk show for the past four years called "In The Bleachers", with fellow host, Jamie Hixson.  He has been hosting and providing color commentary  with Mr. Hixson on the wrestling show called "Independent Wrestling Highlights" for over a year now. He also makes an appearance as a gallery owner in "Story About Ian" . For more information on Hector and his show, visit him at